Just want to ask something?

You can contact us by email, phone or by completing our enquiry form. We will endeavour to get back to you within 24 hours, often sooner.

Ready to book?

If you would like to book, please check our availability and prices first by clicking the below button.

If your dates are available then we welcome your booking. Please ensure you have read our booking terms and conditions below and then simply complete the booking form below.

Enquiry Form

Booking Terms and Conditions

(Please read carefully)

The following conditions apply to the contract of hire of Brimar holiday let by the hirer and its owners. A binding contract is entered into on receipt of a signed booking form.


A booking is deemed to be accepted by the owner when the hirer receives confirmation. If the details on the confirmation are not correct, please contact us immediately.
The number of persons occupying the property must not exceed 5.
NO pets and NO smoking is allowed in the house.


Provisional reservations can be accepted by telephone, but most be confirmed within 3 working days on receipt of the required deposit and completed booking form.  We will respond to you to give payment options. 


A deposit of £200 is required the time of the booking.


The balance is due 8 weeks before the arrival date or at the time of booking if sooner.
If the balance is not received within the specified time, the owner receives the right to cancel the booking and retain the deposit.

Late Bookings

Bookings made within 8 weeks of the commencement of the holiday must be paid in full.


Deposits and Balances can be paid by cheque or bank transfer, details on request.


Cancellations must be advised by telephone and confirmed in writing within 3 working days.
Deposits are not refundable on cancellation for any reason. We will do our best to re-let the accommodation, but if this is not possible, then we are legally entitled to retain the deposit and request further payment as compensation.


We strongly recommend that you take out some form of insurance. 

Booking Alterations

Any change in holiday dates / number of guests will be subject to the agreement of the owner for which an administration fee may be charged.

Arrival and Departure

The house will be available from 4pm on the day of arrival. Please vacate the house by 10am on the day of departure to enable us to prepare the house for the next guests.

Damage and Loss

The hirer agrees:

  • That the supervision of children and any adults requiring care remains the responsibility of the hirer at all times.
  • To be responsible for leaving the accommodation clean and in good order, otherwise a cleaning charge will be levied.
  • To pay for any unreasonable damage, breakage or loss caused.

Cars and belongings

There is a dedicated off road parking space for guests to the rear of the property, and unrestricted on-road parking elsewhere.  To the front of the house is a pedestrianised area where a car may be driven and parked outside the house for a short time for loading or unloading purposes only.
Please respect this arrangement during your stay.
Parked cars and belongings are left at the guest’s risk at all times. No responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage to any such items.


Errors and omissions excepted.


Booking Form